Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


School of Communication Studies


Corey A. Hickerson


As the nation’s only original re-creation of Shakespeare’s indoor theater, The American Shakespeare Center plays a lead role in its local area of Staunton, Virginia. The organization boasts a prominent following in the theatre and on Facebook; however, its remaining social media accounts have been stuck in the Renaissance. In November 2014, the ASC got an update in the form of a new cast member—the “What’s Your Shakespeare Personality?” quiz and web based application. Using extensive research into local demographics, audience and arts trends and social media usage, this project sought to assist the organization in the application’s launch and expanding their digital reach. A resurgence in its Twitter account, coupled with written news releases, generated buzz in several local publications and resulted in a gain of 14 new Twitter followers from November 2014 to January 2015. Now, the ASC continues to grow its social media presence and solidify its place in the digital (and theatrical) spotlight.



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