Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2019


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Department of Political Science


Keith A. Grant

John W. Hulsey

Manal A. Jamal


Since 1945, approximately half of the world’s states have been engaged in some type of civil conflict. The aim of this research is to understand why some post-civil war states fail to establish peace durability while others thrive. Through quantitative research of civil wars globally and a qualitative analysis of Iraq, this thesis argues for the necessity of post-civil war policy to focus on the renewal of domestic infrastructure in addition to military investment which suppresses grievance-driven violence. A logistical regression model of all civil wars since 1945 shows that variables, such as healthcare, are evidently associated with more durable peace while military has a positive relationship with re-engagement in civil war. Applying this research through a policy recommendation, it is clear that, despite foreign involvement and the influence of terrorism, favoring a rebuilding of domestic infrastructure rather than solely military investment would be instrumental in establishing durable peace in states such as Iraq and many others.



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