Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Department of Health Sciences


Janet Gloeckner


This study is designed to investigate whether the current system of administering fluid to enteral nutrition patients in a mid-sized community hospital is effective based on the enteral feeding order, outcomes recorded by the dietitian in the medical record, or comparison to widely- accepted standards for estimating fluid needs. Data of this retrospective chart review came from 566 medical records that were pulled based on admission date within a one year time span and an order for enteral nutrition (EN) during the patient’s stay. Out of these, 107 records were used due to incomplete chart documentation and inaccessibility of medical records. Results were analyzed using SPSS to compare the amount of EN ordered and the amount given; the amount of EN given and the total fluid intake of the patient; and a comparison of serum electrolyte values as compared to normal standards for the respective hydration levels. The findings show that EN orders are not consistently being followed, and patients tend to be overfed, though their laboratory values do not confirm that they are being overhydrated.



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