Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation



Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


School of Communication Studies


Dan Schill

Lindsey A. Harvell-Bowman

Lindsey Shook


From frequent scrum photos of the president holding up signed executive orders in the Oval Office to images of the president energetically sitting behind the wheel of a Mack truck parked outside his back door, like previous administrations, visuals have been central to Donald Trump's presidency. This chapter analyzes the visuals on White House social media accounts (i.e., Twitter and Facebook) in Trump's first 100 days office and explores how his administration used visuals as an essential vehicle for storytelling, image building, and persuading. Building on previous research on the communicative functions of visual symbols in politics, the chapter finds that the Trump administration used socially-mediated images to build an image based on success, power, and leadership and to legitimize his new administration.



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