Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019

Date of Graduation

Spring 2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


Department of Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics


Carey Cole

Laura Atkins

Molly Brown

Brian Consolvo


As my Honors Capstone project, I implemented a Microsoft SharePoint site where JMU study abroad alumni from the College of Business Semester in Antwerp program can share their experiences and travel tips with other JMU students preparing to go to Antwerp. The goal of this project was to develop an online portal to host a collaborative, centralized site where students can find information regarding the Semester in Antwerp program. Resources on the site include information about the Antwerp program, tourist information and general international travel information. The Microsoft SharePoint site developed throughout this project includes a Wiki general information page, an FAQ page, and a Discussion Board, all accessible only to JMU Antwerpian past, current and future students and faculty. Other deliverables from the project include a user manual and a video recording to assist in utilization and navigation of the site.



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