Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Contemporary Argumentation and Debate (Faculty Publications)

ISSN 1088-498X

Contemporary Argumentation & Debate is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal sponsored by the Cross-Examination Debate Association and housed in the School of Communication Studies at James Madison University. The journal publishes high-quality scholarly research articles in subjects in, on, or around the activity of debate as competitive activity and in the public sphere.

Curio Magazine (JMU Special Collections)

Curio, a magazine highlighting Harrisonburg, Virginia, and its surrounding communities, is published by students in the Media Arts & Design program at James Madison University. Curio is a nonprofit organization supported by the College of Arts and Letters and the School of Media Arts & Design.

Dilemmas in Education: A Casebook for Ethical Reasoning (Faculty Publications)

Because ethical reasoning is an inherent part of the Education profession, our College is positioned to generate quality scholarship in this area. However, few faculty can claim ethics as their primary area of specialty. This project aims to draw on the collective experiences and literature reviews of faculty in our College, and their school and community partners, to develop a representative case study guidebook titled, Dilemmas in Education: A Case Book for Ethical Reasoning. This will be published in the JMU Scholarly Commons. We hope to generate a much deeper understanding of the dilemmas, perspectives and strategies used to apply the Madison Collaborative 8 key questions framework in Education.

Submit a proposal for an original case study here


Estes, M. D., & Ingram, R. E. (2018). Dilemmas in education: A casebook for ethical reasoning. Harrisonburg, VA: JMU Scholarly Commons.

e-Vision Journal of Undergraduate Writing (Undergraduate Publications)

From 2000-2012, the e-Vision Journal of First-Year Writing published the excellent work created by students in James Madison University's first-year writing courses. Through twelve volumes, e-Vision and the undergraduate students who served on the e-Vision Editorial Board gave these engaging, provocative, fundamentally useful texts the wider audience they deserve.

All 104 e-Vision essays have been published again through JMU's Scholarly Commons platform. If you've ever wondered just how wide that wider e-Vision audience might be, check out the map at the bottom of the page.

The e-Vision Index: Looking for essays that effectively model a specific tactic or style, or that engage a specific subject? Trying to track down a specific e-Vision writer or essay? The e-Vision indices are still available:

TACTIC and STYLE INDEX: Useful lists of effective essays that offer rhetorical analysis, engage primary and secondary sources, organize and transition between paragraphs, target and connect with a specific audience, begin well and end better, incorporate multimedia, voice….

SUBJECT INDEX: Art, the environment, gender roles, 9/11, racial and ethnic identity, religion and spirituality, writing about reading and writing, technology and dystopia. It's all here.

TITLE INDEX: Browse through 104 really good titles.

AUTHOR INDEX: You love the writer, but cannot remember the name. All 102 e-Vision authors are available here.

To learn more about e-Vision—snapshots from old versions of the e-Vision site, a glimpse or two into the deep e-Vision archives, and contact information—visit the e-Vision website at

International Journal of Peace Studies (Faculty Publications)

ISSN 1085-7494

Limited run, in honor of the memory of Dr. Terry Beitzel International Journal of Peace Studies.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

International Journal on Responsibility (Faculty Publications)

ISSN 2576-0955


The International Journal on Responsibility (IJR) (ISSN: 2576-0955) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary forum for theoretical, practical, and methodological explorations into the various and complex issues of responsibility. Animated by the question “Who or what is responsible to do what for whom?,” IJR is a broad-ranging journal that incorporates insights from the full range of academic and practical inquiry from the humanities and the social and natural sciences related to addressing the diverse aspects of responsibility.

IJR publishes scholarship and creative works on responsibility. The contents examine theoretical, empirical, intellectual, practical, policy, and ethical issues relating to responsibility. In addition, the journal encourages research and reporting on ways in which responsibility relates to issues ranging from the individual to broad public concern, past, present, and future. Themes include the use of responsibility in academic and nonacademic settings; the development of new perspectives on the topic of responsibility; the application of a focus on responsibility in practical problems; and, the historical and interdisciplinary dimensions of responsibility.

As a collaborator with the African, African American, and Diaspora (AAAD) Studies Center, IJR would like to highlight this interdisciplinary body and its annual conference. For more information on this Center and its conference, please refer to the AAAD website. Conference participants are encouraged to consider IJR as an outlet for their scholarship. The journal accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis that are not under consideration or published elsewhere. Submitted manuscripts go through a peer-review process and must abide by journal requirements as specified in the Author Guidelines.

Support for this journal has been made possible by the Redekop Family Foundation.

Open Access

Affiliated with the Gandhi Center and published by JMU (James Madison University) Libraries, IJR is an open access journal that does not charge production costs. It is listed in Ulrich’s Periodicals directory and the Directory of Open Access Journals.

IJR publishes accepted manuscripts under a Creative Commons License, which allows authors to retain full copyright of their work and grants IJR a perpetual non-exclusive CC license enabling publication. Users can access scholarship published by IJR for any lawful purpose (e.g., reading, downloading, distributing, searching, printing, or linking full texts of published works) without needing permission from the author or the publisher. The default license is CC BY-NC-SA. However, authors have the option of selecting a CC BY-NC-ND license.

Current Scholarship

The seventh volume examines issues of responsibility surrounding the use of AI. Guest edited by Dr. Tatjana Titareva, who served as a Doctoral Assistant at Research, Economic Development and Innovation (REDI) and Fellow at the Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence, this issue discusses questions regarding AI's limitations, potential, and ethical use in higher education and beyond.

Forthcoming Scholarship

Forthcoming volumes examine the relationship between Climate, Religion and Responsibility, and the Spanish Language, Language Variations, Cultures and Responsibility.

Articles in these volumes will be published individually as Online First articles before they appear in their respective completed issues.


Questions about thematic content regarding a potential submission or to suggest a potential issue should be directed to the Editor, Dr. Heather L. Scheuerman. Questions concerning the manuscript submission process or a submitted article should be directed to the Managing Editor, Sylvia J. Whitney Beitzel.

James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal (JMURJ) (Undergraduate Publications)

The James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal (JMURJ) is a multidisciplinary, student-run, peer-reviewed undergraduate research journal.

The journal's mission is to promote, publish, and share the excellent scholarly research by undergraduate students across James Madison University. JMURJ seeks to connect James Madison University's undergraduate students in all fields of study with their peers, their school, and their community.

For more information about the James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal and to keep up with the latest news regarding publications and submissions, please check out our website,

Lexia: Undergraduate Journal in Writing, Rhetoric & Technical Communication (Undergraduate Publications)

Lexia is a student-run online journal that published innovative student work produced by students in The School of Writing, Rhetoric & Technical Communication from 2013 to 2017. The journal's mission was to publish a range of texts that best represent the students and faculty of WRTC, as well as the disciplines of writing, rhetoric and technical communications.

Lexia published every spring and was created and managed by students enrolled in WRTC 328: Practicum.

Madison Historical Review (Graduate Publications)

The Madison Historical Review (MHR) is a peer-reviewed academic journal operated by graduate students in the History Department at James Madison University. Established in 2003, the MHR publishes the work of graduate students at peer institutions, offering contributing authors a unique introductory experience in scholarly publishing. The MHR is committed to helping emerging historians refine their analytical and writing skills, and enhance professional development.

Madison Magazine (Publications from James Madison University Communications and Marketing)

Madison, the magazine of James Madison University (JMU), is an official publication of JMU produced by the Division of University Advancement. Madison showcases the stories of students, professors, alumni and friends who are engaged with ideas and with the world to advance the civic legacy of President James Madison. JMU is located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

Research & Issues in Music Education (Faculty Publications)

ISSN 1532-8090

Founded in 2005 by Dr. Bruce Gleason at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota and moving to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia under the guidance of Dr. David Stringham in 2019, the purpose of Research and Issues in Music Education (RIME) is to provide a forum devoted to thorough research and commentary that energizes, informs, advances, and reforms the practice and pedagogy of music teaching.

The online format of RIME brings music education research into real time, with the possibility of publishing articles immediately upon acceptance rather than being bound by artificial publication dates and deadlines or unnecessary restraints on length. While articles and forums are catalogued for citation purposes in biannual issues, RIME volumes and issues are flexibly determined and research, past and present, published by the journal will be continually available from the web site in its entirety.

An electronic format also allows the journal to present material in a more comprehensive format than is typically available with traditional print media. Interactive materials can be linked from the body of a manuscript, and appropriate sound and/or video files that support or illustrate research can be included.

The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction (Center for International Stabilization and Recovery)

ISSN 1533-9440

The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction is an international forum for issues related to post-conflict environments and explosive hazards clearance for the conventional weapons destruction (CWD) community, including humanitarian mine action (HMA) and physical security and stockpile management (PSSM). The Journal is a platform for practitioners, researchers, and organizations working in mine action and PSSM to share program information, research and development, and field work; and represents a historical resource for the community of practice within CWD.

The Journal is produced by the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at James Madison University, and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.

The Virginia Teacher (JMU Special Collections)

The Virginia Teacher is a monthly periodical published by the State Normal School, from 1920-1939. It includes scholarly articles about education, news from the school, editorials, correspondences, and reports from alumnae. The Virginia Teacher also issued several supplemental issues each year, which contain course catalog information such faculty listings, academic calendars, and course descriptions.

Access all issues of this publication by selecting from the dropdown menu on the left sidebar.

VA Engage Journal (Undergraduate Publications)

ISSN 2376-7146

Undergraduate, professional, and graduate students: Share and reflect critically on your community/civic engagement experiences and disseminate the knowledge emerging from your practice or even research.

The journal publishes reflection essays, profiles of engagement practice, research studies (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods), and reviews of current literature, all with guidance and mentorship from engaged faculty and staff. Undergrads and grad students enrolled in academic year 2022-23 on a full- or part-time basis at a two- or four-year Virginia college or university, as well as recent Virginia graduates, are eligible to submit their scholarship. Submissions with multiple authors are welcome. Visit the call for papers to get started.

Register now for our VAEJ Open House on Tue. Jan. 23, 2024 at 7pm EST on Zoom to learn more about sharing your new knowledge through the journal.

Virginia Journal of Public Health (Faculty Publications)

ISSN 2769-3279

The Virginia Journal of Public Health (ISSN: 2769-3279) is the official journal of the Virginia Public Health Association. The mission of the VPHA is to improve the public’s health in Virginia by strengthening public health practice and promoting sound public health policy.

The VJPH is a peer reviewed publication addressing public, community, and population health; health education and promotion; health equity; and health policy relevant to the Commonwealth of Virginia and nearby regions.

To learn more, visit the Virginia Public Health Association website.