Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Racial desegregation of higher education in Virginia: Black and white, and gray?, Alexandra Jaclyn Kolleda
Paleo diet vs. modified paleo diet: A randomized control trial of health quality and benefit, Charlotte Martin
Roots and rebellion: An investigation of the evolution and implications of legacy in Revolutionary Soviet theatre, Katelyn Elizabeth Murray
Environmental risk perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors: A study of college students living in a risk society, Julia Spring Pei
The processing of evolutionarily relevant stimuli, Angela Marcelle Perta
How attachment relates to college students' achievement, motivation, and drinking behaviors, Hailey Marjorie Ratliff
Pre-service music teachers' perspectives of experiences in an informal music learning group, Veronica Jane Sharpe
Star-Taker: Reconnection- An ancient solution to a contemporary problem, Jaclyn Nicole Smith
Healing touch as an integrative therapy for cancer care: A review of evidence and implications for nursing, Kelsey Irene Tirona
Animal abuse in the United States' circus industry: A comparative case study analysis, Paige Noelle Topper
Mind over matter: An investigation of Enlightenment moral philosophy, Robin Nichole Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Exploring connections between competition and dialectical tensions in female friendships: A qualitative study, Heather Ashley Aadahl
Delay discounting in light-social and heavy-social drinkers, Megan Ann Arnold
The financial crisis of 2007-2008: A discussion of the subprime mortgage meltdown and systemic amplification, David Evan Botello
Human bodies and reliquaries on display: The tension between education and spectacle in museum and religious spaces, Brittany Rose Cassandra
Microscopic analysis of Drosophila melanogaster RhoA mutants during the morphogenetic process of head involution, Pria Noelle Chang
Brazilian piano through the ages: A look at the development in style through the context of social issues and historical influences, Rebecca Lin Chen
Three dimensional volumetric display, Scott Matthew Cook
"Abba, Father" and the spirit of God's sons, Kelly Abigail Jones
Gender attitudes study 2012, Christina Nicole Jordan
An educational game for the teaching of discrete math, Kathleen Lazo
The effect of participation in a community gardening program on mood of college students, Alicia Fay Mau
Las mujeres del narcotráfico: Una perspectiva cinematográfica de la narcocultura colombiana, Tyler Crofton McLeod
The effects of exclusive contracts on organizational competitiveness, Jessica Paige Merz
Biofuel production and testing opportunities, Bernard William Newman
On the move in The Grapes of Wrath and On the Road: Change, mobility, and narrative in mid-twentieth century America, William Woolford Prior
The effects of feminism and gender on the organization, Alyssa Shiree Richardson
The TOMS model of social entrepreneurship: The new way of harnessing capitalism to turn a social profit, Kerry Marie Tousignant
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Holism and non-separability applied to quantum mechanics, Catherine E. Nisson