Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Post-civil war peace durability: The role of domestic infrastructure and military, Alexandra Wilson
Innovative care of individuals in the athletic training room: A case series, Kathryn E. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Mave magazine, Lauren Adams
Gender differences associated with the evolution of attributes sought in sports apparel, Jami Adler
A hospitality themed event: A journey through Camelot, Jane Aronds
An archaeological perspective on architectural evolution at Fort Harrison, Rachel Nicole Bergstresser
The psychology of performance in elite youth soccer players, Matthew Best
The effect of a stage of change tailored intervention on physical activity and psychological states of older adults, Emilee Blosser
Associations between grit and academic factors, Alexandra Bowen
Geospatial analysis of eastern oyster habitat and disease in the Chesapeake Bay, Hannah Bradley
An n-terminal acidic domain in β-amylase2 is required for k+ regulation., Jillian Breault
The subjective well-being of ethnic Albanians in Macedonia, Peggy Brozi
This is not a memorial, Kaitlin Burger
The impact of dual language programs in Elementary Schools, Melanie Callihan
Characterizing tau in the nucleus, Shaw Grindle Camphire and Madeline Louise Henwood
Identifying a B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki receptor binding protein for bacteriophage riley, Rachel Carson
Behavioral audiometry testing in Drosophila melanogaster, Amanda Cascio
Frank J. Wilson: The father of forensic accounting, Luke Catania
El viaje desde Centroamérica a los Estados Unidos: How US foreign policy impacts migration from Central America to the United States, Cecilia Cerja
Repeatability of the heart rate variability threshold during treadmill exercise, Shane Chambers
Interactions between anxiety subtypes, personality characteristics, and emotional regulation skills as predictors of future career outcomes, Cerella Chandra
The state of the translational chaperone ICD-1 during apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans, Kyle Cicalese
Celebrity chefs as influencers of food well-being, Briana Cifelli
The effect of the similarity of events on change deafness, Caroline Cole
Nature-ization NYC, Sarah Collins
The superhero inside: Exploring the minds of ourselves and our superheroes, Briana Craig
In translation: An examination of ESL policy on paper as it relates to the realities of implementation, Grace M. Cuevas
An athletic training portfolio: 3 case studies, Kristen Dawson
Enhancing the sea-phages app to collect weather-related metadata from soil sampling locations, Kelly M. Degnon
Adhocracy, Sara Denney
The Hutongs blooming 08, L Khawn Din
Mobile HIV units in South Africa: A systematic review, Meaghan Doherty
A war won in the skies: Air superiority in the Second World War, Chandler Dugal
Sustainable agriculture: Integration of aquaponics at Punta Leona Hotel and Club in Costa Rica, Cailin Sierra Dyer and Paris Riley Smith
Handedness and the Oldowan tool industry: Is preferential right-handedness a relic from our evolutionary past?, Jessica Dymon
Revival on the stronghold, Katherine Evans
The mythological perspective of modern media: Cross-cultural consciousness and modern myths, Rebecca E. Evans
Performing authentic savagery: National myth-making and indigenous survival at American World's Fairs, 1893-1904, Hannah Facknitz
International post-conflict peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cambodia, Mia Fisher
Does EMG monitoring in a CVEMP matter?, Kimberly Fleck
Export plan for Maurertown trailers to Vietnam, Dan Ford
Fault, Katharine Fritz
Finding the balance: Mindfulness meditations to foster interdisciplinary artistic exploration, Zachary Kotellos Gordon
Rehabilitated ruins, Abigail Cathryn Gwin
Not for all to know: Translating the possibilities and mysteries of miracle inhabitation, Kara R. Hannibal
Of the silmarils and the ring: J. R. R. Tolkien's fiction and the importance of creation and art, Michael Hartinger
An auto-ethnographic study of foreign and native language education in the United States of America, the Dominican Republic, and Spain, Mary Margaret Hawkins
Advancing STEAM learning through virtual reality, Kimberly Hearn
Undergraduate research journals and career readiness, Alexandra Hoen
Antibacterial properties of novel amphiphiles: Exploring structure-activity relationships, Reafa Hossain
Searching for potential binding partners of arabidopsis β-amylase9 using yeast 2-hybridization, Sheikh Hossain
The effects of speaking rate manipulations on the perception of voicing contrasts, Sarah M. Howell
Muscle synergies and how they contribute to the movement of the tail during the nociceptive withdrawal response in the rat’s tail, Hasti Izadpanah
A cure for salmonella: Engaging students in pathogen microbiology and bioinformatics, Sophie Jurgensen
Validity and reliability of the YMCA submaximal cycle test using an electrically braked ergometer, Justin Kidd
Building my director’s toolbox: For scab and beyond, Rebecca Whitney Klein
Unequal partners: A pilot evaluation in Harrisonburg High School, Katherine Kowalk
Antimicrobial activity of novel cationic amphiphiles, Melanie Kusakavitch
Targeting of central nucleus projections to extramodular zones of the lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus in developing mouse, Isabel D. Lamb-Echegaray
Girls rock camp, Erica Lashley
Inclusion in morning meetings, Robin Lauber
On the road for change: An in-depth analysis and future recommendations, Amy Lebrecht
A world of possibilities, Austen Linder
Studying abroad: A travel campaign, Flora Lindsay
An analysis of public and feminist rhetoric for menstrual equity, Margaret Linscott
Evolution of bordetella pertussis genome may play a role in the increased rate of whooping cough cases in the United States, Kevin Loftus
Characterization of isolates and whole samples from turkeys infected with bordetellosis, Alexandra Lovrinic
The efficacy of the Teach-back Method of education on readmission rates in heart failure patients within 30 days of discharge, Catherine Lynch
Pupillometry as a test of infant word recognition, Kierra Lynch
An exploration of the Rapid Prompting Method for students with autism, Shea Manship
Enduring music: Migrant Appalachian communities and the Shenandoah National Park, Madeline Marsh
A snowball's chance: Debt snowball vs. debt avalanche, Evan McAllister
The role of leadership in student organizations, Samantha McAnallen
Climate communication through a community perspective, Kathryn McGee
Health care priorities in developing countries: A systematic review, Heather McKay
Intersections in theatrical and dramatic forms: An approach to holistic teaching artistry, Madeline Mojallali
Conversational speech characteristics during entrainment, Pamela Molnar
Employee empowerment through ethical decision-making, Jessica Mongold
Equitable sustainable development in small American cities: The Northend Greenway and the path forward, Amelia Morrison
Addressing disparities among the homeless population with type II Diabetes through the use of educational programs, Allison Moses
Nigerian terror: The rise of Boko Haram, Kelly Moss
Less-java, more learning: Language design for introductory programming, Zamua Nasrawt
The impact of functional modeling on engineering students' mental models, Jacob T. Nelson
Exploring the relationship between team characteristics and mental health symptoms amongst student athletes, Dylan Owens
The preparation of palladium complexes of n-pyrazolylpropanamide derivatives, Tyler Palombo 5275714
Impact of a hand hygiene curriculum and group handwashing station at two primary schools in East Africa, Stephanie Pasewaldt
Transfer student internal consulting project, Cory John Petinga, Jennifer Lynn Helenek, and Ryan William Wimble
An investigation of personality traits as predictors for mobile phone dependency, Elijah Phillips
Study abroad and track II diplomacy, Makena Rafferty-Lewis
Comfort women: The unrelenting oppression during and after WWII, Alexandrea J. Riddell
Investigating the ecology of a rare species on St. John, Usvi: Reintroducing Solanum conocarpum in light of climate change, Cecilia Rogers
Peer assisted study sessions for financial accounting, Laura Salt and Caitlin Larrick
Contributions of aδ nociceptors to the nociceptive withdrawal response in intact unanesthetized rats, Kristin Sammons
Bio-architecture feedback loop, Nicole Samuelu
The evolution of computational propaganda: Trends, threats, and implications now and in the future, Holly Schnader