Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Compost land management and soil carbon sequestration, Kylene A. Hohman
Reflection: Effect of age on auditory brainstem responses in mice with EphA4 mutations, Erica L. Hoogerland
Macronutrient supplementation for endurance athletes, Jonathan B. Hurst
Hemostatic responses to exercise in a polycythemia vera patient, Allison M. Huschke
Student awareness of the Daily News-Record, Molly Margaret Jacob
What is the ethically ideal form of self-defense legislation? A Utilitarian analysis, Jacqueline J. Jessop
Film and theatre: Hybridization and the convergence of mediums, Rachel A. Jones
Learning from the Reggio Emilia Philosophy: How it can work in public elementary, Allison Shira Kaye
Nonlinear dynamics of filaments in free space and fluids, Victoria Kelley
Clinical study of canine tear lacritin as a treatment for dry eye, Katherine E. Kelly
Changing peer’s attitudes towards accommodations for disabled students, Dylan G. Kitley
Analysis of the responses to poverty in Harrisonburg, Virginia, Kara Krantz
Examination of the effects of language and cultural barriers on Spanish-speaking patients in health settings as observed by medical Spanish interpreters, Sarah J. Kraska
Quantifying the use of chloroform vapor exposure to improve the adhesion of Au Thin films onto PMMA, Kathleen T. Krist
Preliminary insights into prehistoric toolstone preference of two igneous materials in the Tanana River drainage, interior Alaska, Brooks A. Lawler
Embryonic and post-embryonic HoxA13 expression in the four-toed salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum., Breanna R. Lee
Transportation rating systems and social sustainability: A comprehensive analysis, Kelsey Lineburg
Bending and binding: What builds and bounds the Ashtanga yoga community, Rosealie P. Lynch
Exploratory study of graph drawing on a continuum of expertise, Emily MacLeish
Military connections, Shannon M. Malloy
U.S. policy and civil liberties in Cuba: A qualitative analysis, Jason E. Mann
Using residential location to assess the environmental value-action gap of students at James Madison University, Emma Rose Martin
Theatre education for homeschooled children, Jonathan A. Martin
The expansion of the training of the hospital emergency response team at Sentara Rockingham Memorial with the Harrisonburg rescue squad, Allison E. Mayzel
The synthesis and colloidal characterization of several triscationic amphiphilic antibacterial agents, Kristin R. McKenna
Exploring the associations among college students self-reported resilience, coping behavior, goal orientation and passion for academics, Sara C. McMillan
A systematic review of complimentary therapies to treat symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in the aftermath of domestic abuse, Jordan A. Meeks and Saida Byrami
The synthesis of 1,3-Difluoro-2-methyl-4-phenylbenzene from a one-pot reaction of Difluorocarbene and 1-Phenyl-2-methylcyclobutene, Ruth Felicitas Menger
Identity to be determined: The development of the American ideal in the Early Republic, Andrew S. Mills
Beyond traditional ecological knowledge: Learned information in Forodhani Park, Jaimie Lynn Mulligan
A concrete water pasteurization device For third world countries, Andrea R. Murchie
Strategies for improving the prevention of intimate partner violence against women in Burma, Rebecca L. Murray
Delayed umbilical cord clamping: A state of the science, Landynn E. Ouellette
Escape strategy of the cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) to heat and looming stimuli, Jiangda Ou
The real F-word: Feminism An exploration of feminism and the female experience on college campuses, Beatrice R. Owens
Examination of cue-induced nicotine withdrawal among humans, Kathleen R. Owens
Global gains, local costs? evaluating the nexus of industrial agriculture, conservation science, and rural livelihoods in the African tropics, Rachel E. Palkovitz
Assessing understanding of sexual assault resources and response among health sciences students, Michelle M. Pappalardo
Brain derived neurotrophic factor response during endurance cycle training: Impact of carbohydrate and protein supplementation, Jordan L. Parker
The impact of market perception on sovereign default risk in the European Union, Keith Pendergrast
The fate of ICD-1 during misfolded protein induced apoptosis in caenorhabditis elegans, Kyle H. Perez
Role of interleukin-3 in an experimental model of mouse cerebral malaria caused by Plasmodium berghei ANKA, Brendon R. Perry
Does passion predict enjoyment and performance in an interteaching-based course?, Allison T. Piotrowski
A comparison of combined versus individual cognitive coping strategies for managing pain, Grant Pointon
The impact of mild traumatic brain injury on romantic relationships, Rylie K. Power
Adolescent grief: The nurse's role in promoting healthy coping mechanisms and preventing future hospitalizations, Erica C. Reighard
Reintroduction of brook trout to the South River via Upwelling Springs, Sydni L. Reinhold
Overwhelmed, overworked, and under-appreciated: A mixed methods study of undergraduate music education students, John P. Riley
The family Gothic: Identity and kinship in the American Gothic tradition, Meagan Elizabeth Riley
Examining the implementation of the patient-centered recovery model in psychiatric nursing, Nicole K. Rossi
Initiating conversation by a kindergarten-aged child with autism spectrum disorder, Eliana A. Segal
Cross-cultural solutions volunteer handbook, Alexa Senio
Markers of social movement success: The case of Dominican citizenship after Resolution 12, Kylie N. Skorupa
"The sound of a voice: An evening of intercultural theatre", Amy C. Slothower
Sequences of spiral knot determinants, Ryan Stees
Understanding identity and personality authenticity of engineering students, Kylie D. Stoup
Pilot project to advance distributed wind in Virginia, Sydney Sumner and Kayla Cook
Caffeine mouth rinsing in the Fed state does not enhance 3-km cycling performance in the morning or evening, Kayla Sweeney
Effects of agricultural restoration practices on stream health in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, Erin L. Thady
The effect of Hofmeister series counterions on the colloidal and antimicrobial properties of triple-headed Cationic amphiphiles, Kirstie A. Thompson
The purification and characterization of beta-amylase6 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Catherine E. Torres
The effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on swallowing, Jessica R. Torres
A proposal for a writing center at Lafayette High School, Katherine Leigh Utne
Assessing the impact of a constructed wetland biome on the ecosystem health of Cedar Run, Thomas Vasilopoulos and Casey Lee
Cancer perceptions and health behaviors in Tazewell County, Virginia, Sarah E. Waddle
A computational investigation of large gaps in contingency tables, Noah J. Watson
Modulation of nitric oxide synthase I transcription by Tau and Alpha-Synuclein and its relevance to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Taelor A. Weaver and Alexandra L. Deal
Perceptions of safety in urban spaces: The Fan District, Richmond, VA, Lindy C. Westenhoff
Build-up effect of auditory stream segregation using amplitude-modulated narrowband noise, Harley J. Wheeler
Revolutionary era women in war: A move for societal reform, Claire Williams
The significance of quality creative writing in children’s literature: A practical application of children’s literature in an educational context, Nicole M. Wittkopp
No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá: How stateless individuals in the Dominican Republic construct national identity, Lindsay Wright
A novel use of the Deese-Roediger-McDermott Paradigm: Distinguishing between differential memory mechanisms in emotional literature, Alan John Yablonski Jr.
A comparison of algorithms and heuristics for solving the O 1 I n D 1 shortest route problems, Steven D. Young
The relationship between mortality salience and the two subtypes of narcissism, Rianna H. Yung
Isolation and enumeration of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus from coastal Virginia, Zackary A. Zayakosky
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Effects of anions and amino acids on surface tension of water, Diana Al Husseini
"All the world's a stage:" A social media project for the American Shakespeare Center, Lauren D. Ambrose
Multimodal inputs and modularity of the inferior colliculus prior to audition., Joseph A. Balsamo
An investigation of on-campus composting among undergraduate college students, Ashleigh Beben
Causes of third party military intervention in intrastate conflicts, Hailey Bennett
Analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in lake sediment, Kelsey L. Berrier
Lexicons of colonialism: A grounded theory examination of Indian and supreme court definitions of sovereignty, Jacob Daniel Bosley
Learning preferences in elementary education, Samantha R. Boyd
Mouth asymmetries during infant babbling: A brain lateralization study, Cecilia Breazile
Ability of skin bacteria on the Panamanian frog species, Craugastor fitzingeri, to inhibit the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Tiffany N. Bridges
Pre-pulse inhibition assessment of sound localization in mice, Kathryn C. Brooks
Critical thinking skills across the semester in lecture and team-based learning classes, Zachary L. Buchin
The influence of lay concepts and causal theories on definitions of mental illness and social outcomes, Kallen A. Bynum
"Debate: Millennials don't stand a chance" Devised, documentary and immersive theatre: The Story of EveryMillennial, Sean R. Byrne
Examination of the structure, force resistance, and elasticity of muscle proteins, Tracy A. Caldwell
A study of the relationship between self-esteem and high-risk sexual behaviors in college- aged black women, Deborah P. Cameron
Crossing language barriers: using translation to bridge socioeconomic, cultural, and gender-based gaps, Audrey L. Cannon
Addressing the Black Box phenomenon of genome sequencing and assembly, Brandon Carter
Structural comparison of TonB-dependent receptors in bradyrhizobium japonicum, Allie R. Casto
Bodies in space, Nancy Congrove
Evidence-based practices in selecting standardized assessments of child language, Darielle Cooper