Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A net zero greenhouse gas feasibility study for Green Fence Farm, Ashleigh Cotting
The effect of communication type on knowledge retention of brain injuries, Alyson Cregger
The synthesis and study of the biological and colloidal properties of bolaamphiphiles, Louis M. Damiano
Can small details bring big success? Construal levels as academic goal strategies, Christopher R. Deitrick
The evolution of women in business and female leadership in the business environment, Olivia M. Deputy
Feasibility study: The evaluation of polymer coatings to prevent weathering of weak rocks, Lauren Distler
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to emergency contraception among college students, Sarah Donohue
The nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among students with high academic standing, Megan L. Dwyer
Helicopter parenting and parent-child attachment, Kaitlin S. Fitzgerald
Mapping soil erosion risk and safety factors of the Massanutten Trail system, Joshua R. Foery and Philip V. Sturm
JMU dining to go, Austin R. Ford
A comparative analysis of the racial and class achievement gap in schooling in the United States, France, and South Africa, Taylor J. Fulcher
Lev Vygotsky Speaks: Early childhood curricula, Dakota L. Gagliardi
Delay and probabilistic discounting of alcoholic beverages, Frank L. Galante
Does vestibular sensory stimulation, in the form of slow, linear swinging, change the modes of communication among children with autism?, Katherine A. Gallaher
The professional writer's many personae: Creative nonfiction, popular writing, speechwriting, and personal narrative, Rosemary Girard
Insomniac of the Soil: A collection of poetry and essays, Sarah E. Golibart
The effect of the Dodd-Frank act on risk in the financial sector, Beatrix S. Haddon
Exploring the relevancy of written and drawn representations in a digital age, Shelby Alexandra Hanson
The leadership hub, Michelle E. Healey
Thermoelectric properties of nano-meso-micro β-MnO2 powders as a function of electrical resistance: experiment and theory, Morgan Hedden
Aqueous foam stabilized by tricephalic Amphiphilic surfactants, Seth A. Heerschap
Structural elucidation of AggR-activated regulator, aar, in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli, Andrew Heindel
Students as neighbors: utilizing dialogue and deliberation to manage town-gown tensions, Courtney C. Herb, Lauren A. Holder, and Alison L. Steed
To expel, or to not expel? An analysis of James Madison University's crisis communication and response to sexual assault, Julie M. Hirschhorn
The impact of “fearful” and “serene” mood on mortality salience, Kathryn A. Howard
Creating supplements to an anti-bullying program in a Harrisonburg City public school, Jessica G. Hunt
Back to black: An exploration of Amy Winehouse’s music and addiction, Courtney AD Jamison
The first year: The relationship between loneliness & wellness among college freshmen, Isabel M. Jimenez-Bush
Cybersecurity disclosure effectiveness on public companies, Jingjing Jin
The effectiveness of social stories on children with autism spectrum disorder: A literature review, Caroline E. Johnson
Critical analysis of the confounding of clinical trials, Eleanor L. Jordan
The effect of global and local processing in the attentional blink, Ashley Kalavritinos
Human-animal communication in captive species: Dogs, horses, and whales, Mackenzie K. Kelley
Cinderella: The study of cross-cultural encounters in pre-modern societies, Jae Ho Kim
Manifestation determinations: An interdisciplinary and user-friendly guide to best practices, Molly E. Knudsen
Summing it up: Comparing and contrasting constructivist-based teaching practices, Megan T. Kohanik
Beauty within destruction, Julia Rindal Kron
Tricistronic Lentivirus vector construction using scar-less DNA assembly methods and web-based software j5 to help study GRK4, Christophe Langouet-Astrie
Retention across pedagogies, Rachel Larkin
The medical response to the Black Death, Joseph A. Legan
Parents of students with disabilities views of schools’ efforts to facilitate their involvement in their child’s educational progress, Stephanie A. Lessard
Terra Firma: A novel in the making, Samantha Logan
Customer Complaint Management Systems (CCMS) in a food processing industry, Maggie A. MacLeish
Quality of life indices in brain injury: A pilot investigation, Lauren Kristine Maher
Effectiveness of nutrition diagnosis and intervention, Olivia R. Massa
Playing together: A chamber music guide, Nicholas Scott Matherne
The effects of x-axis rotation on data estimation accuracy, Catherine Mathers
Characterization of cell-type specific responses in C. elegans experiencing misfolded protein stress: How do some cells save themselves while others die?, Courtney A. Matson and Erin N. Wallace
The research and creative implementation of dance therapy practices for female survivors of sexual abuse, Caitlin M. McAvoy
Public relations promotion to advance child reading and literacy, Rosemarie McGinty
Finding home: A collection of travel essays from a semester in Florence, Kathleen S. Melville
Local flavors: An exploration of food writing in the Shenandoah Valley, Allison Michelli
The year of change: Challenges faced by first year students based on individual identities, Holly K. Millet
"Zome": An interactive art piece, Cassidy Moellers, Robert Spinosa, and Dylan Chance
Intuitive thought and consumer decision making, Morgan M. Moore
Family and child development education for Harrisonburg adolescents, Mollie M. Moran, Jennifer E. Corser, and Julia M. Glauber
Health care service disparity: Factors associated with the distribution of primary care physicians, Robert L. Morgan
The model of masculinity: Youth, gender, and education in Fascist Italy, 1922-1939, Jennifer L. Nehrt
Structural studies of the Ig58 domain of the giant muscle protein obscurin, Matthew C. Oehler
The impact of interactive music therapy on the pediatric oncology population, Kristin Moon Orrigo
Methods for coating quartz crystals, William Patrick
Identification of the Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome Mec (SCCmec) element in viral fractions from environmental samples, Emily M. Pelto
Variability in the fabrication process of BiVO4 photoanodes, Lauren M. Phillips
Listening fatigue and response time in normal hearing listeners, Rachel E. Pittard
Lebanon: A permanent home for Syrian Civil War refugees, Marko Popovic
Effect of carbohydrate intake on pacing in endurance cycling, Morgan A. Price
Using your inside voice: The place of a global service learner, Victoria M. Price
Judging Laura, Rebecca E. Richardson
The effects of in-class application questions on academic behaviors, Julia Ricotta
Evaluating contested ground: Civil War interpretation in the Shenandoah Valley, Kyle P. Rothemich
The effects of quantitative easing in the United States: Implications for future central bank policy makers, Matthew Q. Rubino
Biophysical characterization of naturally occurring Titin M10 mutations, Michael William Rudloff
The effect of auditory stimuli on visual time-to-contact perception, Chelsea L. Rugel
Mentoring under-resourced people, Virginia M. Sandlin
Transduction as the method of horizontal gene transfer of the Staphylococcal Chromosomal Cassette mec (SCCmec), Amber B. Sauder
Comparative analysis of anti-Bd bacteria from six Malagasy frog species of Ranomafana National Park, Kelsey Savage
Postoperative pain management, Taylor H. Schuler
Rat hind limb nociceptive withdrawal response depends on initial paw position but not stimulus location, Kimberly Seamon
A portfolio of experiences in communications sciences and disorders, Dakota Michael Sharp
Chesapeake Bay blue crabs and consumption related illness, Caitlin M. Shipman
Comparing pseudo-environmental and horizontal plus pseudo-environmental transmission of a probiotic Janithinobacterium lividum between green frog tadpoles, Stephen Simonetti
Creation of weighted Theissen polygons using Python, Colin Spohn
"Sacred spaces of the stage": Proclaiming Mennonite identity through theatre, Benjamin J. Stoll
The effects of narrative elicitation task on the verb morphological patterns of younger adolescents with and without specific language impairment, Megan T. Taliaferro
Probing buffer-specific effects on nucleotide binding to RecA using difference Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Joshua E. Temple
An analysis of the journey of Italian immigrants and their contributions to American society, Samantha Thomas
Experimental greenhouse and field trials on American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolium: Implications for restoration in Appalachia, Emily Thyroff
Homesafe: A mobile application utilizing encryption and access control, Kenneth Trumpoldt
Google Glass and public relations: The use of optical head-mounted displays in building dialogue, Daniel W. Vieth
Contingency management and alcohol abuse, Amanda D. Walker
Factors driving North Korean military provocations, Adam F. White
A study of domestic violence and patriarchal ideologies in popular men’s magazines, Annika M. Wilcox
Indigenous land rights of the Khoi in South Africa, Chelsea Wilkins
The relation of service activity to change in empathy, Nancy L.C. Windsor
How to teach Hamlet, Rachel A. Wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Reflection of research on auditory brainstem responses of normal and mutant mice, Valerie Yasamin Acquesta
Needs assessment of child malnutrition in Bolivia, Eloisa Michelle Amaya Sandoval
Soundtracks and the moving image, Zachary Ian Barnes