Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The relationship between handedness and memory errors, Verena Sema Bethke
Do the eating behaviors and food preferences of children ages 2 to 18 years resemble those of the mother or father?, Kirsten Brooke Boestfleisch
Development of an optimized protocol for the isolation of methicillin-resistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages present in the environment, Taryn Katherine Boyle
The nursing implications of bath salts abuse: A learning tool and curriculum for emergency department nurses, Molly Ann Brennan
W. H. Keister Elementary School garden: Making environmental connections, Kinsey Elizabeth Browning
A study into the diagnosis of obesity in infants less than two years old in the state of Virginia, Lindsay Ann Bruno
Women in terrorism: Exploring the motivations of women joining terrorist organizations, Cara Rae Buchanan
Capital structure study: Accounting and statistical issues, Long Thai Bui
Passion for academics and problematic health behaviors, Alexander Timothy Bureau
Structure and function of novel RTX-like proteins BAV1944 and BAV1945 in Bordetella avium, Nathaniel Tate Burkholder
The significance of the transition of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SADA) Systems to TCP/IP platforms, Matthew Alexander Care
Defining and determining national economic success, Nicole Regina Clarke
The relationship between food bloggers and public relations professionals, Hannah Michelle Cox
Psychological effects of intensified cycle training and effectiveness testing of the mental/physical state and trait energy and fatigue scale, Jack Dyer Crouch III
Understanding metal-organic framework assembly in hydrotis(1,2,4-triazolyl)borate materials, Matthew Ryan Dent
The concept of spatiality in Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Patočka, Dora Duvisac
Development of an immunodiagnostic assay for canine tear lacritin, Alison Mae Enghauser
The effects of physical activity on on-task and off-task behaviors of an elementary school student with ADHD, Kayla Whitney Eppard
Lion and livestock conflict in the Amboseli region of Kenya, Gabriela Schieve Fleury
The role of ambient temperature in the recovery from major surgical stress, Mary Katherine Garbarini
Not just a pretty face: The evolution of the flight attendant, Angelica Rose Gertel
Influence of a caffeine mouth-rinse on 3-kilometer cycling performance, Jenna Louise Goffe
Being, narrative, and ethics: A hermeneutical-phenomenological inquiry into the ontology of ethics, Paul Lucas Goldberg
Factors associated with minor misbehavior in adolescent males, Hunter William Greer
Vocal fundamental frequency as a function of deception and stress, Joshua David Gross
Between land and sky: A comparative look at Soviet and American relations and perspectives during the Berlin Airlift, Jacqueline Danielle Guerrier
Bringing out the animal in me: An examination of art and the individual within the Furry subculture, Jacqueline Danielle Guerrier
Through the woods, Riley Joseph Hanlon
Functional movement screening: A study on efficacy in predicting sport-related injuries in collegiate athletes, Daniel Charles Hanson
Development of inputs from the Lateral Superior Olivary Nucleus to the Inferior Colliculus in EphA4 wild type and mutant mice prior to hearing onset, Allyse Bailey Harris
Blood, sand, and silk: The implementation of airborne forces in North Africa by the United States Army, 1942, Thomas Spencer Harvey
Gene expression in the kidney of rats affected by metabolic syndrome: A meta-analysis, Brittany Leigh Hatchett
Social and cultural capitol in formal one-on-one mentoring relationships, Madeleine Emily Hines
Analysis of perceived stress, perceived stress management, and symptom severity in women with fibromyalgia, Mavis Leigh Hodges
A comparison of life satisfaction, subjective well-being, and physical health in undergraduate college students, Emily Shuenn-Wen Hsu
Classroom, concert hall, and career: A yearlong survey of the female choral conductor's experience, Kaitlyn Detamore Hunsberger
A periodic matrix population model for monarch butterflies, Emily Hunt
Effects of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on bone mineral density and overuse injuries in collegiate female athletes, Lena Marie Husnay
The effects of alcohol priming on subsequent preferences for alcohol and other drugs, Carly Devon Isakowitz
Graphical calculation of the fractal dimension for applications in geography, Leeanne Nathalie Jackson
A study of honors program attrition: What are they missing?, Laura Ann Jennings
Vegetarian meal consumption and the influence on college success and health, Sarah Marie Jochem
Investor expectations of the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis: Applying the Bates model to modern Stock Market events, Eric Gene Kitchens
Music as a force for social change: El Sistema in Venezuela and in the United States, Anna Ione Kobylski
Thought derailment as a predictor of verbal memory performance in people with a serious mental illness, Shannon Leigh Kovach
Communication coping strategies of victims of crime, Katherine Nicole Leeds
Comparison: Perception and knowledge of protein consumption in female athletes for post weight lifting recovery, Samantha Jane Lofton
"Don’t call me a pothead!" A qualitative study of high achieving marijuana users, Katrina Chanel Miles
A comparison of Bayesian Monte Carlo methods for deterministic models, Amanda Marie Miller
Successful approaches to encourage family involvement in a school division located in southeastern Virginia with varying income levels, Katelyn Elizabeth Montague
After Rembrandt: Captain William Baillie and print culture in 18th century London, Andrea Clare Morgan
Investigating inactive, chloroplast localized beta-amylase-9 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Nurlybek Mursaliyev
A bioinformatics approach to revealing the genetic basis for bacteriophage host specificity, Hayley Anne Norian
BRIC and the road to superpowerdom, Zachary Keith Ochoa
"Home has so many meanings": Society's issues personified through baseball, Mark Andrew Overstreet
Isolation of Methicillin-Resistant Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus (MRCoNS) from a fecal-contaminated stream in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Michael Timothy Partin
The costume design of Boeing Boeing, Camille Melaine Petrillo
Socially active executives as digital influencers, Kelly Anne Pollhammer
Writing fellows in an undergraduate psychology course, Caroline Prendergast
Labeling and framing of human trafficking victimhood, Elizabeth Regina Ramirez Kemp
Analysis of the direction of escape response of crickets to looming-object stimulation, Kate Louise Reiman
Hofmeister anion effects on thermodynamics of caffeine partition between aqueous and cyclohexane phases, Bradley Allen Rogers
Examining tail development models in the four-toed salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum, Peter Daniel Rossbach
I'm not just a statistic: A qualitative analysis of sexual assault survivors, Kelsey Lynn Ruane
Spiritual assessments and interventions in nursing, Katie Elizabeth Ruefer
Media scrutiny of politicians and the relevance of private life and personality, Stephanie Lynn Salomon
Role of ß-amylase1 (BAM1) in the recovery of arabidopsis plants from osmotic stress, Jonathan Michael Schmitz
Microtubule organization and cell-to-cell communication in Arabidopsis thaliana, Lauren Michelle Schulte
Heart rate variability in habitual college-aged snorers, Erica Elizabeth Searfoss
Reforming the U.S. intelligence community: Successes, failures and the best path forward, Christopher John Sheehy
Role of interleukin-3 in blood-stage malaria infection caused by Plasmodium berghei ANKA, Abdalla Sheikh
The financial implications of a cashless society on individual consumers, businesses, banking institutions, and the government, Stephanie Kaitlyn Skaggs
An examination of the relationship between mindset, attitudes toward affirmative action, and perceptions of diversity, Elizabeth Lee Smith
The influence of carbohydrate content and type on gastrointestinal tolerance during endurance cycling, Sarah Allston Smyth
Nutritional ergogenic aid use in male college students, Megan Elizabeth Solloway
Challenges to community reintegration for those convicted of a felony in Harrisonburg, Virginia, Sarah Elizabeth Stack
An approach to Bordetella avium as a universal poultry live vaccine platform for the expression of foreign antigens, Carly Elizabeth Camille Starke
The effect of the Okavango River on Angola's economic stability and the effect of its policy on surrounding countries, Loren Marie Stoehr
The effect of physical and demographic factors and training on the time-to-adoption of domestic cats in a local shelter, Deborah T. Stratton
Charles Lisanby, the artist: Defining masculinity through the matador, Michelle Nicole Strickland
Conflict on the mesa: Assessing defensibility of plaza-oriented villages in the Salinas Pueblo Province, New Mexico, Daniel Mark Sumner
Canine clinical study for tear lacritin as a treatment for dry eye, Alan Chancellor Tate
Immunodiagnostic analysis of lacritin in human breast milk, Veronica Christine Vassilev
Aquaponics: Economics and social potential for sustainable food production, Brandon Collins Walraven
Music from the trenches: Solo vocal literature influenced by and composed in "No Man's Land", Jennifer Elizabeth Weyman
The Haitian immigrant experience in the Shenandoah Valley, Kelli Renee Williams
Black banner and white nights: The world of Ibn Fadlan, Joseph Daniel Wilson
"Functional yet feminine": The gendered image of the American servicewoman in World War II, Suzanne Claire Wilson
Path tracing using lower level of detail for secondary rays, Ryan Irby Wolter
How purpose in life and locus of control relate to alcohol behaviors among college students, Chelsea Marie Woods
Approximating the wiener process, Branden James Wooten
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Direct capture of plasmids conferring resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics from agriculturally-impacted stream sediment, Elena Emilova Balkanska
Hand hygiene: Behavior changes in college students, Claire Evelyn Ballweg
An analysis of magical realism and its development in Latin American literature, Carolyn Anne Bedi
Mental illness, narrative, and rhetorics of recovery, Anders Rains Bruce
Influence of initial position and stimulus location of the paw on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex in intact rats, Christopher Anthony Chrzan II
An exploration of multimedia journalism through a multi-platform storytelling website, Lani Finley Furbank
Euphonium performance of cello literature, Nathan Seraf Gredler
The proficient I.T. consultant: A study of the professional, Sina Chidi Joseph-Ojeniyi
A call to violence: Trends in violent content of video games, Emily Molly Keller