Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Effects of mental health campaigns, Susan Schott
Establishing effective amplitude criterion for transcranial direct current stimulation, Lindsey Michele Schwenger
A step towards differentiating language difference from disorder, Sarah Scribano
Repercussions, Rebecca Small
Explaining anthropophagy and social violence in the Mesa Verde region of the American Southwest, Riley Smith
Biosemiotics as an argument for the recontextualization of biological discoveries: A critical analysis of the biosemiotic model of marcello barbieri., Augustus Morrissey Snyder
Mary Todd Lincoln: Influence and impact on the Civil War in the White House, Selena Marie St. Andre
Der hungerwinter: Family, famine, the black market, and denazification in allied-occupied Germany (1945 - 1949), Tyler Stanley
Documentation of cultural landscape alteration at the Heritage Mounds site, Georgia, Shannon Sullivan
Surveilled, Rachel Swetnam
Nature's effect on mental health, Hannah Thomas
Escape behavior of the Grammostola rosea tarantula and Phidippus regius spider in response to heat stimuli, Madison Thomas
Energy modeling & design of prototype hydroponic grow system, Emily Denise Trawick, William James Stinson, and Alexander Charles Martin
A cross-cultural examination of the effect of employer support on employee productivity, Shawn Tuman and Haley Lipton
Avid tutor training: Strengthening connections between field experience and coursework, Laura H. VanDemark
Dancing in the airfield: The women of the 46th Taman Guards Aviation Regiment and their journey through war and womanhood, Yasmine L. Vaughan
Augmented reality for at-home speech intervention, Emily Vayo
Development of a survey to examine the association between relationship status and human papillomavirus vaccination behavior, Ansley Waters
Sustainability leadership, Destin Webb
Adoration and art: Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, Fiona Wirth
Use of behavior strategies in speech-language therapy: A survey of Virginia school based speech-language pathologists, Gillian Withers
Coding for infant vocalizations amongst mid and low socioeconomic status families, Lera Young
Design of a homeopathic solution for chronic cough, Jacob Ziemke
Study abroad blog: A comprehensive exploration into country and culture, Kristin Zimney
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The impact of Roe v. Wade (1973) on the American abortion rights movement, Claire M. Adkins
The effect of dog interaction through therapy trained animals or Harrisonburg-Rockingham SPCA volunteering on high achieving first year college student adjustment period, Kamille L. Aiello
“Ain’t it a pretty night?”: An analysis of Carlisle Floyd’s Susannah as an allegory for the socio-political culture of the United States in the 1950s, Melissa L. Allen
Facilitating transitions through the use of multimodal intervention for a child with autism, Alexis E. Anderson
The student role in catalyzing an innovation movement in higher education, Christopher D. Ashley
Searching for sex differences in snake skin, Sydney E. Ashton
Addressing Islamophobia in Greene County, Virginia, Kayla Barker
Substance use in college students in relation to adolescent invulnerability and distress tolerance, Jordan Barnes
The relationship between fundamental frequency variation and articulation in healthy speech production, Casey Behre
Complementary multimodal compartments in the developing inferior colliculus, Roxana Behrooz
The effect of incline on caloric expenditure measured by a wrist-worn commercial activity monitor, Kaitlin M. Bickel
Elucidation of active sites for the reaction of ethanol on TiO2/Au(111), David T. Boyle
From Malta to the United States: Addressing refugee needs, Elizabeth L. Brannon
Impacts of birth plans on maternal satisfaction a literature review and focus group study, Kaylyn Brooks
Using sport as a global change agent: The United Nations model of sport for development, Meghan Burke
News media bias and the Syrian refugee crisis, Marisa S. Campanella
School, Melissa F. Carter
Wal-seum, Maya Chandler
4000 matches on fire at once: Studies in memory and performance, Lauren Chapman
Translation of my memories into unprecedented thresholds, Su Young Choi
Theatre for the community: A practical application, Megan Larissa Ciszek
I, a saint; I, a sinner: Rereading female sanctity in Chaucer’s “Lyfe of Seinte Cecile” and Kate Horsley’s Confessions of a Pagan Nun, Lillian Constance
A comparison of riparian characteristics and resulting water quality in restored agricultural systems, Amanda Y. Crandall
Israel and Palestine- An analysis of the 2014 Israel-Gaza war from a genocidal perspective, Shannon M. Culverwell
What street harassment means, Madison Davis
Enhancing the learning experience- Use of video game technology for teaching Japanese language, Craig A. DeCampli
Analysis of structural stability of human prosecretory mitogenic lacritin by circular dichroism, Anna P. Desmarais and Casey Q. Ramirez Cortes
Turning the tables: A student’s study into the frequency of physical activity among university faculty and staff, Julianna M. DeTrane
President Truman decides to use the atom bomb, Amanda L. Dodge
The fourth wave of democratization: A comparative analysis of Tunisia and Egypt, Ariel M. Dunay
The FARMacy, Emilie E. Dunnenberger
[Un]Known lines, Kimberly M. Faber
Controlled authenticity: A hybrid account of personal autonomy, Eric Fox
Promoting independent movers: The effect of the quadriciser on range of motion (rom), Kristen N. Frank
Topical administration of lacritin peptide for the treatment of canine Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Eliza A. Gaylord
Analysis of variability in crop yield for industrial hemp on two farms in Virginia, Nicholas S. Gentile, Evan M. Hylton, and Justin Ngo
Building (v.) gastronomy, Zoe C. George
Software development for home energy audits: Reducing energy consumption in Harrisonburg through technology, Brantley E. Gilbert
Survey of microbial urea degrader diversity in two freshwater ecosystems: Lake Shenandoah and the Shenandoah River, Naomi E. Gilbert
Characterizing subsurface void spaces and water distribution and flow patterns in Cave Hill Karst using resistivity, Jacob A. Gochenour
Real time monitoring of photocatalysis: An application and expansion of the quartz crystal microbalance, Perrin Godbold
Characterization of neuronal specific responses to induced misfolded protein stress in Caenorhabditis elegans, Claire Gormley
An examination of early Jewish thought on the afterlife, Robert E. Graham III
Colombian peace process likely to succeed, Kayla D. Graves
Outcomes and solutions for children and families affected by type 1 diabetes mellitus, Melissa A. Gray
A taste of Tuscany, Brigid M. Greaney, Taylor N. Palma, and Jacqueline C. Herrick
Empire state of being: Modern women and the literary streets of New York City, Kristen A. Greiner
Alzheimer’s disease and the impact of music therapy a systematic literature review, Hayley Guess
Experimental analysis of r134a, r22, and r404 for an edibon taab: Air conditioning lab unit, Kyle T. Heesen
Navigating culture: An exploration of domestic violence and abuse resource provision to the Harrisonburg Iraqi Refugee Community, Kaitlin Michelle Holland
The effects of ocular dominance on visual processing in college students, William A. Holland
Out of the darkness and into the limelight: How Nurse Jackie betters the nursing image, Shayla M. Holloway
A meta-analysis of the aftermath of South Africa’s apartheid on its health care system, Caitlin Jaeckel
The roles of race and empathy on contagious yawning, Daroon M. Jalil
Queer university: An ethnographic case study of the trans student experience of college campus space, Madeline Johnson
Maladaptive behavior and communication disorders following tbi: Survivor, caregiver and speech-language pathologists' perspectives, Marena S. Jones
The expanded auditor's report: A case study from the United Kingdom, Maria Jones
Phobophobia: A study in fear, Rebecca C. Josephson
Interdisciplinary skill development during summer autism clinic, Rachel F. Kagle
An experimental study on drag reduction of aftermarket additions on an SUV, Christiana L. Katsoulos
Kinship care: Policy and practice in the Shenandoah Valley, Anneliese L. Keeler
The relationship between coaching behaviors and athletic injury, Olivia L. Kimmel
Effects of the microenvironment surrounding Cys433 in Arabidopsis β-amylase-1 and -3 on the sensitivity to glutathionylation by nitrosoglutathione, Matthew R. Kohler
Emotional behavioral disability prevalence trends in Virginia and teacher efficacy, Amanda T. Kousen
Feasibility study: Tangier island wind turbine deployment, Patrick Landess
Latin American gender politics: Examining the relationship between gender and political participation, Haley B. Lawrie
Media framing and the cancellation of NASA's space shuttle program, Nicholas J. Lepp
Migrant archives, Byronaé Lewis
Write place at the write time: A study of how writing contexts affect rates of productivity and perceptions of success in creative writing, Sydnie R. Long
Survey of terrestrial macro-invertebrates hg content and assessment of low level hg presence on human health, Gregory Mansour
Tropical algebra, graph theory, & foreign exchange arbitrage, Bradley A. Mason