Senior Honors Projects, 2010-2019
JMU Scholarly Commons is the home for electronic honors theses and capstone projects from 2014 to the present.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Exploring existing themes between violence in lacrosse and violent behaviors of its athletes, Jarrod M. McAninch
The attentional effects of peripheral priming cues on reflectance report, Katie S. McCullar
Using ancient practices to fix modern problems: The effect of biochar on einkorn wheat and soil quality, Sarah L. Miller
The practical potential of living authentically, Aaron Minnick
Eighteenth and nineteenth century bassoon tutors and their published contributions to bassoon pedagogy, Gina Michelle Moore
Increasing public skepticism in the face of imminent dangers from climate change: A call for science to repair rifts between society and academia, Matthew W. Morrissey and Joshua Schmidt
The drone question: Legality, ethics, and the need to recognize transnational armed conflict, Matthew T. Mueller
Gender in Eliot's The Mill on the Floss and Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd, Rachel C. Nelson
Aspects of resiliency among the lives of student veterans, Sydney Nolan
Coffee carbon stocks, pest and diseases under varied shade management: A review, Anna E. Nordseth
Politics v. religion: A theory of the Christian right, Lucas G. Nordyke
Be careful what you say: The relationship between prosecutorial language in closing statements and sentencing outcomes in real capital cases, Megan J. Parker
Depression in college students, Sarah Paynter
Telling the story: Exploring the experiences of individuals impacted by the global refugee crisis, Hannah C. Pellegrino
An affordable VR environment, Matthew R. Petty
SMADmag, Rachel Petty
Studies into the structure and function of various domains of obscurin and titin, Rachel A. Policke
Tetrameric structure of beta-amylase 2 (BAM2) in Arabidopsis thaliana, Lauren Elizabeth Pope
Potable to poisonous: An analysis of the Flint, Michigan water crisis, Christina M. Reilly
How scholarship programs facilitate first-generation college students’ involvement, Maria C. Restrepo Chavez
Raaxo: A post-refugee landscape, Bailey M. Riales
Effect of biofeedback and exercise type on neural swallowing control, Rachel J. Rinehart
Life cycle sustainability analysis (lcsa) of polymer-based piping for plumbing applications, Andy J. Rivas Bolivar
Process development and implementation for the imaging of heat treated a2 steel for consolidation into an atlas, Jessica Roberts
Repeatability of impedance cardiography in the measurement of cardiovascular hemodynamics during exercise, Lindsey Marie Rodriguez
Living tiny legally, James G. Rollin
Silenced imbalances, Ashley G. Roth
Benefits of expressive dance classes in women experiencing homelessness, Ashley J. Runnells
Repeaterator: A tool for visualizing DNA repeat motifs in actinobacteriophage genomes, Grant A. Rybnicky
Mojave unnerved, Rachel Scarnaty
The role of brain stem 5-HT1A and Gaba-A receptors in the thermoregulatory response to hypoxic stress, Alexander Schmidt
The quadriciser’s effect on range of motion and upper body motor control in children with mixed quadriplegia due to chromosomal disorders, Jillian P. Serigano
Effects of age, timbre, pitch contour, and background noise on melodic contour identification and sentence recognition by children, Lindsey M. Seyfried and Sarah A. Troy
Girls are us: A collection of oral histories from the JMU community, Anne M. Sherman
Masks: A new face for the theatre, Alexi M. Siegel
A demanding office: Agency and authority of the House Speakership, William G. Snoeyenbos
An exploratory study to understand elementary school students’ conceptions of food chains, Shelby Snowden
Using social narratives to improve the healthcare experiences of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Margaret Spindel
Mother’s perceptions of their personal impact on infant language development, Miranda Steinbeck
Using foraminifera in STEMSEAS Site 1 to understand the recent paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of Tanner Basin, California Borderland, Michael Stanley Stone
Epigenetic regulation of crx and nrl binding to regulatory elements in the genomes of human retinal neurons, Courtney B. Stout
Creative advertising portfolio, Hayley E. Sunderman
Judicial corruption in Eastern Europe: An examination of causal mechanisms in Albania and Romania, Claire M. Swinko
Energy poverty: SOS, Kaitlin Tomlinson
Rat hind limb nociceptive withdrawal response to heat and mechanical stimuli depends on initial position of the paw but not stimulus location, Giavanna Verdi
Rediscovering authenticity, Emily Warden
Validity of energy expenditure for the Garmin Vivofit during a week of physical activity, Kristen Webb
Determining development status of United States counties based on comparative and spatial analyses of multivariate criteria using geographic information systems, Lauren B. Wheeler
Obscurin acts as a variable force resistor, Aidan M. Willey
Mid-IR properties of H2O megamaser disks, Catherine Witherspoon
A survey-based study of the changes to self-efficacy, trust in coaching, goal orientation, and state anxiety that occur during a marathon training taper, Erica A. Witoslawski
Preventing obesity and cardiovascular disease in at-risk youth, Allison Patricia Woolf, Nicole Ashley Bauernfeind, Rachel Katharine Civale, and Elizabeth Rose Spellman
Zeppy low calorie alcoholic beverages business plan, Allison Zeppuhar
The community 911 system: Sources of strain and relief, Elizabeth Zulauf
An analysis of original and emerging integrated marketing communication touchpoints among recent effie award winners, Amanda Zwerin
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A Dickensian utilitarianism, Zachary Allentuck
The hemostatic effects of acute exposure to colored cornstarch powder during a 5k run, Robert C. Allsbrook
The drivers of sectarian violence: A qualitative analysis of Lebanon, Iraq, and Turkey, Catherine R. Antosh
Hematological changes in response to a drastic increase in training volume in recreational cyclists, Jessie E. Axsom
The effect of electrically-braked cycle ergometers on the validity of the YMCA cycle ergometer test., Julia Catherine Aymonin
Fairy tales and adaptations: A unit of study for high school seniors, Angelica P. Babauta
The effect of stress on bone mineral density in college aged females, Grace C. Berardini
The effect of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on earnings quality, Emily B. Blair
The unwanted immigrant, Frank A. Bozich III
The effect of depression on bone mineral density in college-aged females, Caitlin A. Cadematori
Tracing the past and outlining the future: The James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal as a genre system, Lindsey R. Campbell
Effective communication of school health screening information: A pilot study evaluating the effect of electronic communication of BMI screening information in Elementary schools, Kara Elizabeth Carter
Sensory modalities underlying the escape response of the cricket, Acheta domesticus, to looming stimuli, Ariel M. Childs
Revitalizing classical music interest and concert attendance: Why today's youth are deterred from classical music and why symphony orchestras and businesses need to get involved, Caroline M. Clouse
American sign language as a foreign language equivalent at James Madison University, Abigail E. Compton
Applying the social cognitive theory to the hookup culture embodied in the Undergraduate students of James Madison University, Jacqueline M. Crawford
An attempt to quantify the perception of frequency changes in mice, Camilla K. Czulada
Type and location of speech disruptions in adolescents with and without specific language impairment, Katherine E. Davies
Evaluation of interleukin-3 in blood-stage immunity against murine malaria Plasmodium yoelii, Haley E. Davis
Alignment of neurochemically defined modules in multimodal aspects of the mouse inferior colliculus., Chris H. Dillingham
Population projection and habitat preference modeling of the endangered James Spinymussel (pleurobema collina), Marisa Draper
Epigenetic characterization of human retina cells, Nicholas R. Dunham
Seeing the forests for the trees: A comparative study of the Green Belt and Chipko movements, Claire E. Elverum
Testing of the late-ordovician Pre-GICE warm water carbonate hypothesis in Alabama, Brandon Euker and Stacey Law
What predicts loan repayment at auto capital?, Kathleen Fogg
Sickness of the soul: Language mediated understandings of depression across cultures, Elyssa M. Fogleman
Transfer students bleed purple too, Katherine E. Ford
Reverse genetic screening of innexin gap junction proteins in drosophila neurons, Shannon P. Fox
The relationship between conflict resolution styles in cross-gender sibling relationships and romantic relationships, Kristen M. Friel
Selected health behaviors among undergraduate college students in different academic disciplines, Patrick C. Gathman
Predicting student involvement in campus recreation programs, Nicole Grabowski
The effect of simulations on nursing students’ ethical reasoning confidence in disasters: A pilot study, Sara E. Greco
Όλα καλά (All is fine): Greece and its denial of economic and financial negligence, Jasmine S. Grindle
The role of intrinsic foot muscles in three running footwear conditions, Brian T. Groener
NGO collaboration in natural disaster response efforts- A comparative case study of earthquakes in Asia, Richelle S. Grogg
Bonding theatre and chemistry: An educational exploration, Matthew Gurniak
Leadership, culture, and academic success, an internal and external departmental analysis and comparison of the James Madison University Engineering program, Sierra Hahn-Ventrell
Interteaching and mindset, Caroline D. Hall
HIV/AIDS and the European Union, Victor Hammarin
Too much television?: Does watching political ads influence if and how people vote?, Andrew Haveles
Investigating the use of chloroquine as antineoplastic therapy, Catherine E. Herron and Alexandra E. Mason
Searching for potential binding partners of Arabidopsis β-amylase2 using yeast 2-hybridization, Megan E. Hines